✨ Unlock Harmony: My 5 Secrets to Balancing Work, Life, and Parenthood!

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Have you seen my stories this month?

I took the stage on the French Riviera.

And it was just INCREDIBLE!

I set the stage on fire and spending this moment with so many of you in France was such a Highlight!

I just got back from a short 3-day getaway with my husband and my team in a dream location which I can not wait to share with you all!

This new project has been on my vision board since the age of 23 and I will take YOU with me every step of the way on this journey !

But, do you know what I'm most often asked?

"Sonia, how do you manage everything? Especially with your kids?"

Let me share with you the 5 secrets that help me create harmony in my work and home life (even when travelling).

  1. Three-Night Rule: My golden rule is to keep my work trips to no more than three nights. My kids are still young and I found that was the magic number for them not too miss me too much and to not disrupt the routine at home too much.
  2. Love notes and little attentions: My kids' love language is gifts (I know .. shocking lol) So every morning, when my children wake up, they find a little note or a gift from me. It's a little ritual that says: Mommy is thinking of you even when I she is away.
  3. Eyes everywhere: Thanks to the magic of technology and home cameras, I can see and hear what's happening. I make sure everything is going well for the little ones, no matter where I am. (I use the Eufy camera system if you are looking for a great system)
  4. Fun and Highlights: I plan all playdates and fun stuff for them, like outings or activities with their friends and family. It keeps them busy and they have fun even when I'm not there.
  5. My KTV Planners are the key to success: I plan everything on Sundays. From work to kids, social to health everything is in the schedule with the help of my Kiffe ta vie planners. Everything is ready before I leave: meals, activities, everything. Remember, it takes a village to raise kids so family, friends or great nannies are such a cheat code to help when you need to work or travel.

My Highlight with my kids?

We have a non-negotiable ritual where we call each other on FaceTime, every night for 30 minutes, to speak about each other's Highlight of the day. It is the best moment of the day for them and me.

And I always bring them a little something from my travels.

You know Reader, work-life balance...

It's a myth. But harmony? Yes, it's possible.

Being a super parent is about finding your own balance, creating your own definition of how you want to parent your children to ensure that they are healthy, happy and living their best life.

👉 If you want to know how to get organized and find this harmony in your work and personal life…
Stay tuned for the launch of my new program "Kiffe ta vie" which will be available soon!
You'll discover the step-by-step methods that I use in my life.

You can already join the waiting list right here:

With love,

Coach Sonia ❤️

6900 Bd Décarie, Montréal, QC H3X 2T8
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