The Truth Behind My AI Journey...

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This Week's Challenge:

Hello my Tribe!

You may have noticed that over the past few months, I've been dedicated to educating my audience on using AI to enhance their business and personal brand operations. We've all heard that AI is the future. However, it was a quote from the prolific Shark Tank investor and entrepreneur Mark Cuban that truly compelled me to support my Tribe on their AI journey:

"I don't care how big or small your business is, you simply have to learn about AI.
There are two types of entrepreneurs in the world: Those who are learning about AI and everybody else.
And those who learn to leverage the power of AI will leave all others behind.”

Inspired by these words, this week's challenge focuses on the transformative power of AI for your personal brand. I encourage you to actively engage with the AI tools I've showcased on Instagram.

Your challenge is to integrate AI into your business or your job, exploring its potential to enhance your content and engagement. You may design an AI-generated logo, script high-converting social media posts, or even create AI-generated portraits.

This is your opportunity to be creative and have fun with it!

Coaching Tip:

To guide you on this challenge, follow the steps I've outlined on the three Instagram Reels below, each offering step-by-step instructions for using FREE AI platforms like ChatGPT or Dalle.

1️⃣ AI Logo : Discover how to design a unique logo using AI, reflecting your brand's essence and vision.

2️⃣ AI Social Media Scripts : Learn how to craft compelling content that resonates with your audience, driving engagement and conversions.

3️⃣ AI Portraits : Explore how to create captivating AI-generated portraits that can add a creative twist to your branding.

To assist you, download the FREE AI Personal Brand Prompt Pack, offering a comprehensive guide to seamlessly integrate AI into your personal branding efforts.

Remember, the goal isn't just to produce content but to become comfortable with these AI tools. Understand the art of prompting and how to communicate effectively with AI.

While publishing your creations isn't mandatory, if you do choose to share them on social media, please tag me!

I'm eager to spotlight your innovative work and support our Tribe's collective growth.

Showcase of the Week:

This past week, our Tribe truly embodied the spirit of giving and community through the #Giveback Challenge.

I am incredibly proud and humbled to share that, together, we raised thousands of dollars for a variety of meaningful social and philanthropic causes.

Seeing so many of you participate and contribute with such enthusiasm and generosity has been one of the most heartwarming experiences for me. This act of collective kindness and solidarity demonstrates the powerful ripple effect we can create when we come together.

It reinforces the belief that our Tribe is not just about personal growth but about making a substantial difference in the world around us.

Thank you for embodying the essence of 'Kiffe Ta Vie' – where making an impact stands as the most vital pillar.

Let's continue to inspire, support, and elevate each other, making every week as impactful as the last!

Coach Sonia Universe Announcements:

On the topic of 'Kiffe Ta Vie', I'm thrilled to share some exciting developments that are sure to enrich our Tribe's journey. We've just wrapped up filming for the highly anticipated Kiffe Ta Vie course, where I've distilled the essence of Work-Life Harmony into a practical, step-by-step guide.

Think Netflix movie meets your favourite "Masterclass-style" course!

Filmed against the vibrant backdrop of Montreal and capturing the essence of my favourite locales to deliver an unparalleled educational experience.

The Kiffe Ta Vie course is designed to touch on the five key pillars of the Kiffe Ta Vie Framework: mindset, health, relationships, business or career, and, crucially, how to achieve work-life harmony.

As we put the finishing touches on this course EXPERIENCE, I'm filled with anticipation for the moment I can share it with you. This course is more than just content; it's a gateway to a life lived with purpose, balance, and fulfilment. Keep an eye out for the launch details, and get ready to embark on a journey that promises to redefine what you thought possible for your life.

👉 Click here to join the waitlist to get early access before the course is released to the world.

Have a great week, my Tribe!


Coach Sonia ❤️

✨PS: Another special announcement is our lucky winner of the 14-day fitness challenge is....

👉 stamour_caroline !!

Join me to congratulate her for winning a 30-day online fitness package with Nico at
@bigdaddyfitness !!
Congratulations Caro !!

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