Let's get fit together (for free!). Are you in?

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This Week's Challenge:

Hello Reader!

Summer is just around the corner, and it's the perfect time to elevate our game.

This week’s challenge is all about fitness, energy, and health!

Are you ready to dive into a challenge that will transform not just your body, but your Mindset too?

Tomorrow, we kickstart the "14-Day SHRED Challenge"!

Here's the deal: I've teamed up with my personal trainer Nico Vlachos from @bigdaddy.fitness to curate a daily workout plan that's guaranteed to push your limits and take your fitness to epic new heights.

This isn't just another workout plan; it's a journey to rediscover your strength, resilience, and energy.

Download the workout plan, pin it on your wall, and commit to not missing a single day. Each day brings a fresh challenge, a new opportunity to shine and show the world what you're made of.

Are you with me, Tribe? Let's do this!

Coaching Tip:

My Coach Sonia tip is one that you will receive in my program “ Plan your year. Plan your Life”: the cornerstone of our success lies in accountability, habits, and commitment.

To keep us all on track, we've crafted a special 14-day Tracker that is your golden ticket to staying committed. Download it here and let's embark on the next 14 days together!

Here's how we make it happen:

  1. Planning: Today's the day, Tribe! It's Sunday, the perfect time to plan your week. Dive into your schedule and dedicate 30 minutes a day to your health with this fitness challenge. Prep your workout gear and shoes tonight - tomorrow, we hit the ground running!
  2. Accountability: The strength of our Tribe lies in unity. Let's kickstart this Monday together, marking each triumphant day on the tracker. Rally a friend, ignite your community, and let's all get healthier together. Share your progress, tag me @soniazarbatanty and Big Daddy @bigdaddy.fitness, and let's create a wave of health and wellness.
  3. Celebrate your wins: At the end of week one, it's crucial to honour your dedication. Plan a little something to celebrate your perseverance and share your triumph with us!
  4. Bonus tip: To support your journey, here's a glimpse into my supplement regimen, designed to enhance your results and recovery: I use Isolate Protein in my morning coffee, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Omega Fish Oil, Zinc and Glutamine.

Stay tuned on my stories! I will be doing the 14-day challenge with you and giving you daily tips and tricks to stay on track. See you on Instagram at @soniazarbatany.

Showcase of the Week:

In case you missed it, Sonia & Tony Jazz recently led an inspiring live event on leveraging AI to boost your business on social media.

They offered rich insights on personal brand monetization and the use of advanced AI tools to improve your digital footprint, providing practical advice on everything from creating an engaging AI-generated bio to choosing effective brand colours and crafting compelling content.

Stay tuned for future events to gain more cutting-edge strategies for transforming your business using AI.

👉 They also launched Tribe 48+. Click here to find out about the Tribe 48+ event in Montreal and Paris.

Coach Sonia Universe: Announcements

Understanding financial planning and taxation is a game-changer for entrepreneurs. It's not just about saving money; it's about strategic growth and wealth accumulation. Mastering these areas allows you to make informed decisions that boost your business's efficiency and profitability. This is why I'm excited to share that I'll be speaking at the "Taxation for Everyone" seminar in Cannes, France on March 30th.

Join me for this enlightening event. It's a fantastic opportunity to elevate your financial savvy and connect with like-minded individuals. Let's explore how financial mastery can transform your business and personal wealth! For more details, visit the seminar's website.

Giveaway of the week!

Ready for a game-changer? We're launching an exciting Giveaway to help you take your fitness routine to the next level! One lucky Tribe member will win a 30-day virtual workout program led by my very own personal trainer Nico from @bigdaddy.fitness worth over $1,000. Picture this: a workout plan crafted just for you, plus two customised 1-on-1 Zoom sessions to keep your momentum sky-high.

How to enter? Simple:

  1. Follow me @soniazarbatany and Big Daddy@bigdaddy.fitness on Instagram.
  2. Track & Share: Use our 14-day tracker to log your progress. Then, share your journey on your stories, tagging me at @soniazarbatany and Big Daddy@bigdaddy.fitness. Every IG Story is a new chance to win!
  3. Winner's Circle: Keep your eyes peeled on my stories this Friday, where we'll unveil who will be the lucky Tribe member to win on this personalized fitness journey!

This is more than a Giveaway! It's a stepping stone to your best self. Let's crush these goals together!

Have a great week, my Tribe!


Coach Sonia

6900 Bd Décarie, Montréal, QC H3X 2T8
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