How to 10x Your Happiness with a #SOCIALMEDIADETOX + Special Surprise 🎁

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Hello Reader!

This week, we're embracing a "Social Media Detox Challenge". Let's take a 24-hour break from social media to regain control over our time, focus, and energy.

I try to do this once per week, because stepping away from screens allows us to connect deeply with ourselves, bringing clarity to personal, family and business decisions.

According to Time Magazine, North Americans in their early twenties use their phones an average of 28.5 hours per week, up 60% since the beginning of the Pandemic! Furthermore, experts are finding a direct correlation between increased screen time and anxiety/depression.

Your Challenge: When was the last time you went 24hr without social media?

Did you see my reel this week?

Like me, I challenge YOU to disconnect from social media for a full 24hr this week.

Here are 3 reasons I urge you to do this 24hr detox with us:

👉 It can significantly reduce your anxiety & stress levels by taking a break from all those notifications and comparisons.

👉 It can enhance the quality of your presence and interactions.

👉 It can boost productivity and creativity so you can focus on what TRULY matters.

Will you take the challenge? All you need to do is :

  1. Disconnect from social media a full 24hr and comment “DONE” on my Reel when you are done so we can celebrate you!
  2. Journal what you felt, your lessons, highlights and takeaways. Reflect on how the detox influenced your mood, productivity, and inner peace. You'll be amazed at the benefits in every aspect of your life. Your highlights will be incredible!

I can’t wait to hear about it!

Coaching Tip: Coach Sonia Habit

Here is a tip I use to make sure I keep my social media time in check!

If you are in my programs you will hear me speak about an app called Opal.
(Click here to get 30-days free!)

Opal is not just an app; it's your partner in creating a more focused, productive, and balanced life. It blocks social media apps or any non productive apps to help you stay on track with your goals.

My tip is: when I plan my day and week, I create a no-distraction and no-social media time frame and block it with my Opal app.

Or, you can simply create a habit of turning your phone off or leaving it in another room, the key is focussed no distractions, no notifications and full clarity on your tasks and your life!

Let's reclaim our time and redefine our relationship with technology together!

Showcase: Highlights of the Week

In the Coach Sonia Universe, this week is the celebration and end of the 90-day "How to Navigate Times of Uncertainty" program.

I'm thrilled to share the incredible transformations within our community.

The dedication, growth, and resilience showcased by each of you have been nothing short of inspiring.

These screenshots represent the profound impact of our journey together – from career breakthroughs to personal triumphs and everything in between. Your stories of overcoming challenges and embracing change are a testament to the power of commitment and the strength of our tribe.

I want to take this moment to thank every one of you who joined this program. I am forever grateful for you, my Tribe. ❤️

Stay tuned, some incredible programs are coming your way! My team and I are designing the BEST for you!

Coach Sonia Universe: Announcements

Did you try my interactive room? The votes are in!

Last week's ‘Interactive Room’ Instagram Reel sparked a conversation about what the Tribe wants next. Your enthusiastic responses have directed us towards prioritizing our offerings based on demand.

You spoke, we listened.

The program in highest demand is Kiffe Ta Vie…

Kiffe Ta Vie is more than a course; it's a revolution in goal setting and personal development program. Available in both French and English, it offers a holistic life audit across five key areas, equipping you with a dynamic, actionable plan for the year. You'll gain access to essential tools, trackers, personalized routines, and Mindset-building strategies to navigate your journey towards achieving your dreams.

If you haven’t already, join the waitlist to experience this transformation for yourself.

I am heading to the studio to start the program for you this week!

Giveaway of the week!

Lastly, in harmony with our "Social Media Detox Challenge," we're thrilled to offer a chance to win a peaceful 2-night stay at Cabin Andas // @cabinandas a luxurious Chalet in Mont-Tremblant Village!

Cabin Andas // @cabinandas is a cozy, Scandinavian-inspired cabin, architecturally characterised by floor-to-ceiling windows throughout that provide a deluge of natural light. Built with the surrounding nature in mind, it offers beautiful views and considers the preservation of the local environment and habitat. A serene getaway in Mont-Tremblant, where you can unwind in luxury, explore the village, or simply enjoy lake access by foot. It’s the ideal setting to complement your digital detox.

This giveaway is your opportunity to embrace the tranquillity of Mont-Tremblant, reinforcing the essence of this week's challenge. Good luck, and may this experience be a reminder of the joys that await beyond the screen.

To enter for a shot at the prize, you must;

  1. Be following @cabinandas on Instagram.
  2. Be following @soniazarbatany on Instagram.
  3. Disconnect from social media a full 24hr and comment “DONE” on The Challenge Instagram Reel #SOCIALMEDIADETOX
  4. Share the #SOCIALMEDIADETOX Reel to your stories!

Have a great week, my Tribe!


Coach Sonia

6900 Bd Décarie, Montréal, QC H3X 2T8
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